

our products

Traditional cashmere desktop

If you want to have a beautiful house, you have to pay attention to its details; Details such as small wallpapers that may not be very important, but by changing them, you can give the house a different color and polish; With small budgets, not exorbitant costs …

Bedcover set Termeh

Termeh bedspread, which is made of silk and polyester yarns for weaving and production, each of which has its own characteristics. The silk yarn used for bedspread weaving has a high density and is of high quality. For this reason, the cost of silk cashmere bedspreads is much more expensive than its polyester bedspreads.

Termeh fabric

Cashmere fabric refers to a delicate fabric that is woven from two types of warp and weft yarn so that the weft is loose on the back of the fabric and its weft density is high. It is made of natural or artificial silk (viscose) with original and traditional designs. Is

Set of Termeh bags and shoes

Tasteful women like to always choose a beautiful and high-quality product to buy bags and shoes. Setting bags and shoes is the art of girls and women Stylish. A set of cashmere bags and shoes is an example of the most beautiful of them.

beach towel

Has it ever occurred to you that you want to choose light and compact luggage for travel, but it was not possible due to some travel necessities such as bulky towels? and Or do you need a light and compact towel to go to the pool? Or even more importantly, use a cotton towel at home that has high water absorption and dries quickly, is light, compact, anti-allergic, soft and beautiful?


We have brought you a new generation of bath towels that are very light and compact and absorb water quickly.